NVIDIA - discover display

Mark Asbach mark.asbach at post.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Nov 18 15:37:20 CET 2004

Hi Emmanuol, hi Paul, hi list,

>>My fai client has a NVIDIA GeForce4 and the fai installation does not
>>detect it. In fact, the 06hwdetect.source script uses "discover" which
>>cannot detect nvidia cards. 'discover' is run like this:

> If you can identify the machines with Nvidia cards some other way
> it may be best to define an NVIDIA class, and then manually set the
> videodrv variable in NVIDIA.var .

what I did to circumvent this is to edit 06hwdetect.source to use hwinfo instead of discover. This is the relevant part of 06hwdetect.source:

> # try to detect graphics card
> # the variable videodrv may be used to generate the XF86config file
> if hwinfo --short --gfxcard | grep -q nVidia; then
>     $videodrv="nVidia"
>     echo "videodrv=$videodrv" >> $LOGDIR/additional.var
>     newclasses="$newclasses NVIDIA"
> else
>     videodrv=`discover --data-path=xfree86/server/device/driver display`
>     [ -n "$videodrv" ] && echo "videodrv=$videodrv" >> $LOGDIR/additional.var
>     case "$videodrv" in
>         mga) newclasses="$newclasses MATROX"
>     esac
> fi
> echo "Video card detected: $videodrv"

Using hwinfo works fine for SuSE's distro for years and it appears to work way better than using discover - so I've got no idea why it is used in FAI by default. But if you modify your 06hwdetec.source this way, you must make shure, FAI has hwinfo ready on the install client.

So in /etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf add "hwinfo" to variable "packages".

Good luck,


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