sample on how to do debconf integration

Holger Schurig hs4233 at
Thu Nov 11 16:14:52 CET 2004

Hi !

Recently, the new debian-installer got auto-installation support via
debconf-preseeding. Currently, FAI doesn't do anything with
debconf. I want to try this, so I created a hooks/mirror.LAST file
which contains this

echo "Task mirror"
for cl in $classes; do
        echo "  trying debconf/$cl"
        if [ -f "/fai/debconf/$cl" ]; then
                $ROOTCMD debconf-set-selections <"/fai/debconf/$cl" && echo "  loaded debconf/$cl"

unset cl

and in debconf/ I can now have files named like classes, e.g

xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/autodetect_mouse        boolean true
xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/autodetect_monitor      boolean true
xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/config/monitor/lcd      boolean false

because task 'mirror' runs before task 'instsoft', the debconf should already contain
the needed info for the postinst script. However, I'm not an expert on Debian yet,
so I'm not sure if this is the right approach. If it is so simple, then why isn't it
in FAI already?  :-)

So, any comments about this?

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