unable to install kernel

misc at viceconsulting.co.nz misc at viceconsulting.co.nz
Fri Mar 26 01:30:14 CET 2004

hey all,

after the fai install is complete on the target host, the kernel is not 
installing.  i have setup the following in:



and have setup the /usr/local/share/fai/files/packages directory:

slice:/usr/local/share/fai/class# ls -l /usr/local/share/fai/files/packages/
total 8516
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          727 Mar 26 01:30 Packages.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      8695816 Mar 25 08:48 kernel-image-2.4.18-

however it is not working.  i believe it is because there does not appear to be 
a valid "sources.list" in /tmp/target/etc/apt on the host target.

the following command (which would install the kernel) in:


[ "$addpackages" ] &&  yes '' | $ROOTCMD apt-get install $addpackages


(eg typing from the shell on target host0
172:/tmp/fai# chroot /tmp/target apt-get install kernel-image
E: Opening /etc/apt/sources.list (no such file or directory)

of course, ls -l /tmp/target/etc/apt only shows the file "apt.conf.d", there is 
no "sources.list" file.


what can i do to resolve this?


what should i put in my sources.list?  the target host does not have internet 
connectivity so it doesn't make sense to have internet mirrors in there.

also how do i tell the sources.list to install the kernel from 
the /usr/local/share/fai/files/packages directory?

I have set this option in fai.conf and rebuilt my nfsroot but this has not 

FAI_LOCAL_REPOSITORY="deb file:/fai/files packages/"

(how is this FAI_LOCAL_REPOSITORY config option used by FAI)

any help much appreciated

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