fai-setup, woody & cfengine

Andre Luis Lopes andrelop at utah.com.br
Thu Jun 24 19:45:40 CEST 2004

Hi Vincent,

Vincent Kraeutler wrote:
>>Automatically converting /etc/network/interfaces succeeded.
>>Old interfaces file saved as interfaces.dpkg-old.
>>hostname: Host name lookup failure
>>Creating base.tgz
>>Upgrading /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
>>Adding additional packages to /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot:
>>portmap dhcp-client file rdate cfengine bootpc wget rsh-client less dump
>>ext2resize strace hdparm parted dnsutils grub ntpdate psmisc 
>>dosfstools sysutils dialog libdetect0 discover mdetect read-edid kudzu hwtools
>>E: Package cfengine has no installation candidate

   That's what I got from my woody fai-server :

fai-server:~# apt-cache policy cfengine
   Installed: (none)
   Candidate: 1.6.3-9
   Version Table:
      1.6.3-9 0
         500 woody/non-US/main Packages
fai-server:~# is my woody FAI server, which has a complete woody 
mirror I built using debmirror. I remember having problems like this one 
you are facing now because I forgot to mirror the non-US archive, where 
cfengine is located.

    Try mirroring non-US also in order to fix the problem. I used the 
following line in my FAI server's sources.list while building the mirror :

deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US woody/non-US main non-free 

   This solved my problem, YMMV.


André Luís Lopes
andrelop at utah.com.br

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