Installation stops when S01 is invoked

Jan Marquardt jm at
Wed Jun 23 13:50:29 CEST 2004

Hi Andre,
thanks for your help.
There weren't any module problems. The questions were general like "Do 
you want to create lilo.conf?" or similar. I assumed that these 
questions come from dpkg when it tries to configure the kernel-package. 
So I tried to unpack it without configuration by dpkg with:

dpkg --unpack kernel-image.deb

and configure it with an own script, which creates the lilo.conf and 
invokes lilo. And now it works fine. The installation process isn't 
interrrupted anymore.

Andre Luis Lopes wrote:

> Jan Marquardt wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi Jan,
>> I just found out where exactly the questions appear.
>> The questions appear while my own kernel-package is installed by the 
>> script.
>> Is there any possibility to tell dpkg that it doesn't have to ask?
>   Which question exactly ? There are many possible questions. I had a 
> similar problem when my kernel package stoped because it echoed depmod 
> errors (which were not a problem for my specific case).
>   I fixed it by creating a file called 
> /usr/local/share/fai/files/etc/kernel-img.conf/<my-class-name> and out 
> the following inside it :
> ================================
> do_symlinks = Yes
> do_initrd = Yes
> silent_modules=yes
> clobber_modules=yes
> do_boot_enable=no
> # Added
> ignore_depmod_err=yes
> ================================
>    I jus copied the example found at 
> /usr/local/share/fai/files/etc/kernel-img.conf/DEFAULT, renamed with 
> my class name and added the line :
> ignore_depmod_err=yes
>    Give it a try and let us know if it worked.
>    Regards,

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