Installation stops when S01 is invoked

Jan Marquardt jm at
Wed Jun 23 09:56:38 CEST 2004

I just found out where exactly the questions appear.
The questions appear while my own kernel-package is installed by the script.
Is there any possibility to tell dpkg that it doesn't have to ask?


Jan Marquardt wrote:

> Hi,
> now I have another problem. I'm using the S01-script which comes with 
> fai-package.
> The installation process stops, without any output, after the 
> DEFAULT/S01 script is invoked. If I hit many times enter, the process 
> continues.
> When I invoke the script manually. I get some output on the display. 
> Among other things there are some questions, where the machine waits 
> for an answer.
> Does anybody know how I can tell him that he doesn't have to wait for 
> an input?
> Regards,
> Jan

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