
Nicolas Triantafillou nick at uow.edu.au
Fri Jul 16 02:40:02 CEST 2004

Hopefully this is a simple problem,

I'm trying to get a simple hook working which echo's the word "test" to 

hrm:/usr/local/share/fai/hooks# ls -la test.LAST
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     staff          43 Jul 16 10:24 test.LAST
hrm:/usr/local/share/fai/hooks# cat test.LAST
echo "test" > /etc/fai/hook.test

It just doesn't seem to be called, the install only seems to show that 
'Calling hook: savelog.LAST' is being run, is there somewhere else I 
have to specify which hooks to call ? From the fai documentation this is 
all I can see I should be doing, but I'm now thinking i'm missing 
something vital or interpreted it incorrectly.

(Not sure if it matters what version, but this is the latest 2.6BETA)



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