FAI release 2.5.2

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Jan 19 11:45:37 CET 2004

>>>>> On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 12:18:33 +0100, Joachim Schmitz <js at aixtraware.de> said:

    > Thomas Lange said the following on 01/09/04 13:12:
    >> Currently fai-kernel 1.53 uses a 2.4.20 during the installation. Buf
    >> FAI 2.5.2 will install a 2.4.22 kernel to the new system.

    > where is kernel-image-2.4.22_fai1_i386.deb ? I only have

    > /usr/lib/fai/kernel/kernel-image-2.4.20_fai1_i386.deb

    > dpkg -l fai shows:

    > ii  fai            2.5.2          Fully Automatic Installation

Yes, this is right. It's not a bug, but also not really perfect. Just
change 2.4.22 in fai.conf to 2.4.20 and everything works.

regards Thomas

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