Any ideas??

Justin jbeckley at
Thu Apr 29 17:32:09 CEST 2004

Thanks to many suggestions from this list, we had a great FAI setup 
working.  Today I went into the fai.conf in order to specify a new root 
password.  Somehow, I managed to break FAI though.  All I did was update 
the fai.conf, then run make-fai-nfsroot.  I didn't see anything that 
seemed out of the ordinary, but I have attached my output to this email. 
  The problem is that when it gets to 06hwdetect.source, it says :
discover: unrecognized option '--module'

 From there it just goes downhill.  It cannot detect the right kind of 
harddrive, then it dies when it doesn't know what to partition.  Has 
anyone else experienced this problem, or know how to fix it.

Justin Beckley
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