Configuring gpm automaticly

Haakon Humberset humbe at
Thu Apr 22 14:26:49 CEST 2004

I was trying to add gpm package to my desktop install, but that broke
the system.

GPM tries to get configure data, and since install isn't interactive, it
gets automatic answers.. Assuming it gets yes to all questions.. Problem
is where GPM asks if you want to redo the configuration (y/n), and I get
an eternal loop configuring over and over :)

Is it the package that is broken and doesn't understand that's it's a
non-interactive setup, or can something be done, to prevent packages
asking questions?..

Any solutions?

Regards, Haakon

Haakon Humberset, Research Scientist, Interagon AS.       +47 982 03875                            humbe at

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