problem: ssh: : Name or service not know

Paolo Pedaletti paolop at
Fri Oct 10 13:33:33 CEST 2003

last lines:

Save log files via ssh to fai@:matinfo110/sysinfo-20031004_152750
ssh :                mkdir -p matinfo110/sysinfo-20031004_152750 ;
cd matinfo110 ;  rm -f last-sysinfo: Name or service not know
ssh: : Name or service not know
lost connection
Press <RETURN> to reboot or ctrl- to execute a shell
now rebooting
chroot: cannot execute dpkg-divert: No such file or directory
umount: /tmp/target/proc: not found
umount: /tmp/target/dev/pts: not found
umount: gw:/usr/local/fai/config busy - remounted read-only
matinfo110 now rebooting

N.B. I press ctrl-c but it reboots anyway.....

/* Paolo Pedaletti,
 * Referente Informatico
 * Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni Milano Bicocca
 * TEL. 02-6448-7744, FAX. 02-6448-7705 */

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