still problems using fai-bootcd

Holger Levsen hl at
Thu Nov 6 18:39:40 CET 2003

Hi Niall, hi all...

I work together with Thomas W and we still have no sucess with

> > We use our own fai-kernel and after recompiling it with devfs and iso9660
> > and after uncommenting the line:
> > CDROMDEVVAR=/proc/sys....
> > in /usr/share/mkinitrd-cd/linuxrc
> Which version of fai-bootcd and fai are you using again? 

We use pure woody systems ;-) and therefor we use fai-bootcd 0.2.1-2
and fai-2.3.1

>  linuxrc should
> have already been patched with fai-bootcd 0.2.x  

No, it isn't - it still calls /sbin/prepareroot which is only available 
in gibraltar-bootsupport - but we don't that package, right.

> v0.3.x is only meant
> for sarge where mkinitrd-cd's linuxrc has been fixed but it sounds like
> fai isn't quite ready for sarge installs. 

how is linuxrc fixed ?

>  Ooh, I just checked the patch
> and I'm not uncommenting CDROMDEVVAR like I thought.  Bugger.

well, we fixed that locally ;)

> > /linuxrc: /sbin/prepareroot: not fond
> > and indeed, I can't find it either.
> > Do you know what's wrong?
> Check the output of make-fai-bootcd for any errors, make sure the initrd
> was built properly, run make-fai-bootcd with the -d flag and check the
> contents of your initrd in /tmp/ etc. before burning it.  

make-fai-bootcd reports no errors, the only problem - at least to me -
is the linuxrc which calls prepareroot.

After prepareroot linuxrc calls init that fails, too. Have a look at the
attached screenshot, please.

> When I get
> time I'll add more error checking to those scripts and apply some
> patches I've gotten recently.  Feel free to email me directly if you
> need more help, the more feedback I get the more bugs I can fix.

your help is very much appreciated!


> Niall Young                                    Chime Communications Pty Ltd
> niall at                            Level 6, 263 Adelaide Terrace
> Ph: (+61) 08 9213 1330 / 0408 192 797         Perth, Western Australia 6000
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