Please don't drop lilo support

Sam Vilain sam at
Wed Nov 5 18:18:59 CET 2003

On Tue, 04 Nov 2003 19:41, W. Borgert wrote;

  > well, sane people use grub, but AFAIK grub does not support
  > RAID1 root partitions.  For complete RAID1 you need lilo,
  > so please don't drop it - or better: Tell me that I'm wrong
  > and grub supports RAID1 :-)

It does, although it needs some trickery with /etc/mtab to support

See the attached script... it assumes that in the case of booting off
the second half of the mirror, that it will be presented as BIOS disk
Sam Vilain, sam at

Your freedom to swing your arm ends where my nose begins.
 - anon.

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