hostname and /fai/files

Frank Grimm fgr at
Wed Jun 4 15:05:12 CEST 2003


we are using fai to install a set of linux clients -- great tool!

Currently we are setting HOSTNAME by appending the last part of the IPv4
address (which the install client receives via dhcp) to a hostname
prefix, e.g. fainode-99. Is there a way to get the given dhcp hostname
and take it as the hostname?

Another problem are the files in /usr/local/share/fai/files which are
not copied to the install client for a certain class (say FAINODE). E.g.
/usr/local/share/fai/etc/hosts/FAINODE is not copied to a client
defining class FAINODE. 
Is there a class or task that has to be defined/executed in order to
copy /fai/files?

Thanks in advance, Frank Grimm.

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