Installation aborted

Yuri Adrián González Robles ygonza at
Tue Jun 3 00:37:21 CEST 2003


I've spend a couple of days trying to setup FAI on a DELL PowerEdge 600

I finally managed to get the kernel (2.4.20) to mount "/" via NFS.

However, as soon as FAI beggins, the following messages appear:

/etc/init.d/rcS: /dev/fd62: No such file or directory
/etc/init.d/rcS: /dev/tty4: Permission denied
/etc/init.d/rcS: /dev/fd62: No such file or directory

INIT: Entering runlevel 2
FAI: Installation aborted
reboot with: faireboot

I've looked at the FAI scripts, and I realized that the code redirected
to tee, is not executed.
For instance, in the following chunk:

task confdir
task setup
task defclass
task defvar
} > >( tee -a $rcslog )  2>&1

no one of the "task's" statements get executed.

So I commented out the "{", and it seems it's beggining to work (still
have to create /fai/class directory, I think) ... but I'm not sure I'm
doing the right thing ....

any suggestions are welcome!!

Thank you.

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