Trouble with LILO on install

Clifford Perry cperry at
Thu Jul 24 21:55:32 CEST 2003

I have the DEFAULT/S01 script run the following to help with
kernel-image kernels, specifically the 2.4.21 I built for my usage. 

echo "do_initrd = Yes" >> $target/etc/kernel-img.conf
echo "do_symlinks = Yes" >> $target/etc/kernel-img.conf

This seems to work good for my needs and setup. 

A quick side question though on kernels - I created a cramfs patch to be
able to use initrd images built with mkcramfs (cramfs being the default
file system for mkinitrd on debian) but I could only get it working by
adding                 append="ramdisk_blocksize=4096"
within lilo.conf for the kernel image. Is there a documented way to get
the kernel to 'know' to try 4096 blocksize on the ramdisk, it defaults
to 1024. I reviewed the patch file used by Herbert Xu in his
kernel-image-2.4.21 but couldnt see this. 


Henning Glawe wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 10:44:10AM +0800, Niall Young wrote:
> > That's your problem then - kernel packages built with make-kpkg require
> > interaction when setting up lilo.  I ended up building custom kernels
> > like any other package with a customised debian/rules built from dh_make
> > and then building the package with dpkg-buildpackage.
> >
> > I'm not sure if FAI can compensate for this, I'd personally file a bug
> > against make-kpkg and ask them to use debconf.
> if you supply a correct /etc/kernel-img.conf, it installs
> non-interactively... here is ours:
> # $Id: GRUB,v 1.3 2002/06/19 20:32:48 glaweh Exp $
> postinst_hook=/usr/sbin/update-fai-kernel
> postrm_hook=/usr/sbin/update-fai-kernel
> silent_modules=yes
> do_symlinks=no
> clobber_modules=yes
> do_boot_enable=no
> --
> c u
> henning

Clifford Perry			Main:          (210) 892 4000
Rackspace Managed Hosting	Direct:  (210) 892 4025 x1265
112 East Pecan, Suite 600	Toll Free:     (800) 961 4454
San Antonio, TX 78205		Fax:  	       (210) 892 4329
Email: cperry at	URL:

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