cannot login during and after install

David Fokkema dfokkema at
Wed Jul 23 10:30:03 CEST 2003

On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 04:47:21PM +1000, Daniel Pittman wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, David Fokkema wrote:
> [...]
> > During install, I have ssh logins enabled using the sshd variable. 
> > However, ssh won't accept my root password. If I cat /etc/passwd, I
> > have
> > 
> > root:glidsOrv7:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> > <snip>
> > 
> > The password 'glidsOrv7' is included as clear text. 
>, that is the password you wanted to use, not the password after
> passing through 'crypt'?
> If so, that's the problem. FAI doesn't do the crypt itself, you have to
> supply the password *after* that has been done.

Of course! The idea of clear text passwords seemed ridiculous to me. I'm
glad that the passwords _are_ crypted. I only found one reference to
this in the manual (after reading your reply) mentioning the 'encrypted
password is set with the variable <FAI_ROOTPW>'. Thanks for mentioning
crypt. Maybe a reference to 'mkpasswd' should be added to the manual?



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