fai-setup / debootstrap

Niall Young niall at chime.net.au
Fri Jul 11 04:42:54 CEST 2003

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, David Fokkema wrote:

> add a package to my mirror, the Packages files are changed, and so must
> the Releases file MD5 sums. I can write a script of course, but if there
> is something floating around...

apt-ftparchive is what make-fai-repository uses when creating it
initially - maybe I should add a refresh flag to the script to
re-generate these files?

Niall Young                                    Chime Communications Pty Ltd
niall at chime.net.au                            Level 6, 263 Adelaide Terrace
Ph: (+61) 08 9213 1330 / 0408 192 797         Perth, Western Australia 6000

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