make-fai-bootfloppy, mount with -t ext2 (Was: FAI 2.4 upgrade problems)

Felix Kühling fxkuehl at
Thu Feb 27 15:05:42 CET 2003

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 13:53:00 +0100
Sune Rastad Bahn <srb at> wrote:

> d. Thursday den 27. February 2003 11:29 skrev du:
> > >
> > > I didnt run into this one at all. my boot floppies work perfectly.
> >
> > I'm not really sure it's related to the upgrade. Could it just be a
> > strange floppy? Anyway, the fix was rather simple once I had figured it
> > out :)
> Try deleting the first sector using (WARNING: this will destroy data on the 
> floppy)
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0
> before you create the filesystem. If this helps, the problem is that your 
> floppy still has the dos signature present in the first sector, which 
> confuses mount when it has to determine filesystem. We have seen this problem 
> when we create ext2fs on what used to be and fat floppy.

Yeah, that's what I guessed. The floppy did have a fat filesystem
before. Anyway, in the make-fai-bootfloppy script it would be the safest
bet to mount with -t ext2 explicitly. It actually took me a while to
narrow down the problem as the error message from make-fai-bootfloppy
wasn't exactly helpful in detecting the real problem.

> Best,
> Sune Rastad Bahn
> Sys-adm.


               __\|/__    ___     ___     ___
__Tschüß_______\_6 6_/___/__ \___/__ \___/___\___You can do anything,___
_____Felix_______\Ä/\ \_____\ \_____\ \______U___just not everything____
  fxkuehl at    >o<__/   \___/   \___/        at the same time!

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