Fai samples/docu from third party (was Re: CVS fai-kernels and 2.4.20)

Andreas Schockenhoff asc at gmx.li
Thu Feb 6 13:11:04 CET 2003

Hi all,

On Thursday, 6. February 2003 10:47, Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 05 Feb 2003 15:12:52 -0500, Anthony Awtrey
> >>>>> <tony at idealcorp.com> said:
>     > somewhere. I'd love to contribute to it and would even donate my
>     > fai config scripts to a library if there is any interest in
>     > starting one.
> We have two options to create such a " library of fai scripts and
> config files":
> 1) I will collect tar balls of sample configurations from everybody
>    how wants make them available. These tar balls will be availabe on
>    the fai web page.
> 2) Everybody puts some config samples on their web wage, and I will
>    collect linkt to them.
> 1 will make the samples available for a long time, even if the
> contributors web page will go offline. But maybe the samples are not
> always up to date. Option 2 maybe will have more up to date samples at
> the contributors web page, but I think after some time, we have to deal
> with dead links. I will use option 2 only if people try to make
> their web page available for a long time.
> I prefer option 1. What do you think?
What do you think about a wiki?

z.B. http://wiki.debian.net (or linuxwiki: http://linuxwiki.org/FrontPage 
here you can use attached files :-)

Here the samples can documented and everybody can make comments and new

Very good samples can go to the fai distribution. 

bye Andreas

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