MD5 Support

senaque at senaque at
Sun Feb 2 01:17:44 CET 2003

Andrew, I will be glad to contribute questions to the FAQ-O-MATIC ;-)
Sebastien thank you for your help also!

I've been trying out that debconf-communicate for a few days now but can't seem to get it to work 
(even though passwd && base-passwd are installed, the items aren't available in 
/var/cache/debconf/*.dat)... Any ideas why this is happening? Is there a way to get debconf to 
'rebuild' these caches correctly or should we be using debconf-copydb? Anyone else having this 

=====   shell: DEFAULT/S10   =====
10 passwd/md5 doesn't exist
10 passwd/shadow doesn't exist

(Freshly installed system ssh session before rebooting):
Testbox:~# chroot /tmp/target
root at Testbox:/ [1]#
root at Testbox:/ [1]# dpkg --get-selections |grep passwd
base-passwd                                  install
passwd                                          install
root at Testbox:/ [2]#
root at Testbox:/ [2]# dpkg --get-selections |grep debconf
debconf                                         install
debconf-utils                                  install
root at Testbox:/ [3]#
root at Testbox:/ [3]# debconf-show passwd
root at Testbox:/ [4]# debconf-show debconf
  debconf/frontend: Dialog
  debconf/showold: false
  debconf/priority: medium
root at Testbox:/ [5]# cd /var/cache/debconf/
root at Testbox:/var/cache/debconf [6]# ls -la
total 696
-rw-------    1 root     root        35671 Feb  6 12:44 config.dat
-rw-------    1 root     root        35671 Feb  6 12:43 config.dat-old
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       308035 Feb  6 12:44 templates.dat
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       308035 Feb  6 12:43 templates.dat-old
root at Testbox:/var/cache/debconf [7]#

As you can see, some packages are registered inside the debconf cache whilst others aren't, 
even though they _are_ installed and do have debconf support. I cant discern exactly what is 
causing this, perhaps nfsroot/fcopied packages/files aren't registered, or maybe debconf isn't 
being installed when it should? mysql-server for instance is installed when defined in one of my 
package_config classes, and the items are available, so is ssh, but still passwd isn't.

I've done a grep for 'passwd' in /usr/lib/fai/[^n]* and /usr/share/fai and /usr/local/share/fai and I 
can't seem to find where 'passwd' is being defined as to be installed onto the new system or 
nfsroot. I imagine this has to do with either the debootstrap mechanism or it is a depedency 
somewhere. Maybe packages that are defined this way won't be able to communicate with 


E-MAIL: senaque at

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