raid 1 setup with setup_harddisks by Sam Vilain

Sam Vilain sam at
Wed Dec 17 23:15:19 CET 2003

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 20:40, Joachim Schmitz wrote;

  > Sam Vilain wrote:
  > > On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 00:27, Joachim Schmitz wrote;
  > > Oh, did you pass the device on the command line?
  > > eg
  > >   do_grub_install /dev/md0
  > no where/when should I run this script, i.e in the installation, or
  > after booting what system ?

I had this section in my /usr/local/share/fai/scripts/FAI_BOOTPART:

ifclass GRUB && {

    echo "Add /fai-boot partition to menu.lst for grub"
    # get device for this boot partition
    dev=`df $target | grep '^/dev/' | cut -d ' ' -f1`
    export kernelname
    export dev
    do_grub_install $dev

    rdev $target/fai-boot/$kernelname $target/dev/boot255
    echo "Grub installed for $kernelimage $broot"

So, IIRC you just add GRUB and maybe FAI_BOOTPART to the list of roles
for the server, and this should get called.
Sam Vilain, sam at

"First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure."
 -- Mark Twain

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