make-fai-bootfloppy on cdrom

Thomas Delaet thomas_delaet at
Thu Aug 28 16:55:25 CEST 2003


I wanted to do a FAI on a computer which has no floppy drive to boot from.
So I created the floppy image with make-fai-bootfloppy and converted it with 
the following command to a bootable CDROM image :
mkisofs -r -b boot/boot.img -c boot/boot.catalog -o bootcd.iso .

I know the floppy image works (installed one computer with a floppy disk).

However, when trying to boot with the cdrom image I got the following message 
after passing the GRUB menu :

"Error 29: Disk write error"

I selected the DHCP boot options. The kernel on the boot image is home-made 
(2.4.21). But since I didn't have any problem with installing the floppy I 
don't think this has anything to do with the problem ...

I know there is a make-fai-bootcd program available but to my knowledge this 
requires to put all the files/configuration data on a cd and since I'm still 
in the testing stadium and my configuration files changes very quickly I 
think it would be the easiest to stick with the nfs-partitions approach.

So I hope someone has a clue about how to fix this little problem ...

Thanks a lot in advance,

Kind Regards,


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