Looking for full end user installation examples...

Geert Stappers Geert.Stappers at xs4all.nl
Mon Sep 9 21:41:37 CEST 2002

At 11:49 +0200 8/30/02, Ronan KERYELL wrote:
>Ok, now I use FAI to install PCs for computing nodes and routing nodes to
>build my network but now I want to address end user computers :
>- full-fledge desktops with working sound, extremalistic window manager
>menus, extreme configuration for emacs, and so on ;
>- portable computers ;
>- home computers with ADSL
>- ...
>Does someone have any sample somewhere to help me because I'm a little bit
>weak on Linux...

Do you mean you are looking for examples?

Should we send them to you or to Thomas?

Geert St

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