AW: 3com und dhcp

Geert Stappers Geert.Stappers at
Wed Oct 23 09:54:29 CEST 2002

At 9:40 +0200 10/23/02, Michael Schmidt wrote:
[ previous information snipped]
>> >normalerweise sollte er sich doch jetzt den kernel herunterladen und
>> >ihn booten. Was habe ich eventuell ¸bersehen oder wie komme
>> ich weiter.
>> 3COM bootrom only can start programs (kernels) when there is
>> a special header.
>> Did you modify the kernel with a tool like imgen/image-gen?
>Yes, I have used imggen before.

Try that kernel, I assume it work somewhere, on the new system.

(please notice that on mailinglist it is custom to reply below the text)

Geert St
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