Deciding what packages to put on an install CD

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Nov 22 11:07:40 CET 2002

>>>>> On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 15:12:35 -0800, "Bruce  Edge" <bedge at> said:

    > I want to grab all specified and dependant packages from the
    > package lists in package_config/* to put on the install CD.
    > This would allow one to install any of the same classes
    > supported by the regular FAI install.  How can I generate a list
    > of all the dependant packages?  ie: a list of all the packages
    > that the specified packages in package_config/* depend on?
Try something using apt-get and grep, sed or perl. -s is very good if
you want to see which packages will be installed.

apt-get -s install <list of packages>

Gruss Thomas

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