Deciding what packages to put on an install CD

Niall Young niall at
Fri Nov 22 03:34:26 CET 2002

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Bruce  Edge wrote:

> I want to grab all specified and dependant packages from the package lists in package_config/* to put on the install CD.
> How can I generate a list of all the dependant packages?
> ie: a list of all the packages that the specified packages in package_config/* depend on?

Assuming you've already done an `apt-get update`, parse the file and
do a `dpkg-awk Package:^$package$ -- Depends` on each.  Or if you've
got those files stored locally do a `dpkg --field $file Depends` on
each, then remove all commas from both for apt.

But I'd rather see a full repository with Packages.gz files - we either
have a full mirror or subset, and generate an index for it.  See my next

Niall Young                                    Chime Communications Pty Ltd
niall at                            Level 6, 263 Adelaide Terrace
Ph: 08 9213 1330 / 0408 192 797               Perth, Western Australia 6000

     "there's a lot of movement in my trousers at the moment"
                                     -- Dennis Kristofich, Sep 2002

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