xargs (environment too large), set and rcS_fai

Henning Glawe glaweh at physik.fu-berlin.de
Fri Nov 8 14:41:57 CET 2002

On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 02:27:13PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> The patch's author writes: "just apply the attached patch (part of
> PFAI), and those problems will be non-existant... if you make use of
> hooks and you call FAI-subroutines within them, this patch will
> certainly lead to problems..."
> My only question is: will this break something else than hooks ? 
> Am I right that only the variables between "set +a" and "set -a" are
> _not_ exportet but the rest are ? (There is also a "set -a" before "set
> +a")
the overful environment is caused by exporting all the functions in
'subroutines' and 'subroutines-linux'. as soon as they are called, all
variables generated by them (and not explicitely decklared local, of
cause) are exported as usual.
basically you only need to export a function if you want to call this
function from a subprocess; at least in our setup, this never happens.

The only other way to circumvent this problem would be to to patch the
kernel for increasing the environment size... (when I first saw this, I
remembered the good old DOS-times ;) )

c u

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