new to fai, just wondering about a comment in the homepage of fai...

James S. White james at
Tue May 7 20:26:17 CEST 2002

Does fai work out of the box like kickstart?

Is there a "generic" linux install class configuration to get me rolling
quickly?  Or do I have to manually edit all the class files to get fai going?

James S. White                      GAPS Incorporated
james at                   Electrical Engineer - Etc.           Caffeine is my anti-drug.

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Thomas Lange wrote:

> >>>>> On Mon, 6 May 2002 12:58:02 -0400 (EDT), Walter Tautz <wtautz at> said:
>     > How is it better than Redhat Kickstart for example? The reason I
> FAI uses a better Linux ;-) distribution that kickstart and has a very
> flexible class system.
> Look at the feature list of fai:
>     > ps. Is there any more work to be done for the woody release of
>     > fai? I'd like to use fai woody version.
> The current version (2.3.2) is ready to use for woody.
> --
> Gruss Thomas

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