fai/classes/S*.source executable check bugfix

Andrew Pollock andrew-fai at andrew.net.au
Wed Jun 26 02:54:06 CEST 2002

On 26.06.2002 at 00:12:24, Paul Lussier <pll at lanminds.com> wrote:

> In a message dated: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 15:38:28 +0200
> Thomas Lange said:
> >    >> This is a feature, not a bug. Files must be executable to be
> >    >> used by fai. This will not be changed.
> >
> >Forcing source files to be executable was done because so it's
> >possible to leave unused source files in the fai/class directory
> >without using them.
> If that's the only benefit of forcing them to be executable, couldn't 
> it be argued that it's better to not leave unused cruft sitting 
> around in a directory?  I would think it better to create a "script 
> repository" directory where one should store unused, but not quite 
> ready to delete files, no?

I think that comes down to a personal choice. I must admit that I've been bitten
in the past by source files that weren't being sourced because they weren't
executable, but I can see the benefit of being able to exclude them by simply
marking them non-executable rather than moving them out of the directory or
giving them a crypt .notsource name or something.


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