BOOTP and fai-install server on different machines

Paul Lussier pll at
Tue Jun 18 19:16:36 CEST 2002

In a message dated: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 17:44:41 +0200
Henning Sprang said:

>I would like to know if it is possible to run FAI on one system, but
>distribute Names and IP Adresses for the install clients from a dhcp server,
>which is, in our case, Windows NT based.
>I could install the FAI-Server as BOOTP Server in Addition, too, but for now
>i can't imagine how i can make sure that the NT DHCP Server and FAI install
>and BOOTP Server don't mess with each other.
>Any guesses?

Is there a way on the NT DHCP server to specify a 'next-server' 
option which will redirect a DHCP client to the tftp server in order 
to perform the FAI?

The other option is to use a UNIX-based DHCP server which you 
configure to only allow the booting of known clients based on their 
MAC address.  Of course, you run the risk of the NT server possibly 
answering first, but you could carve out some amount of namespace for 
your server to handle and configure the NT server to not handle that.
Also, configure your NT server to only handle known-clients in the 
same way and make sure that the clients you boot/install using FAI 
are set up as unknown to the NT server.

Another way would be to do your installations on a private network 
not seen by the NT server.  This would solve all collision issues 
between the FAI install server and the NT DHCP server.

If you can't do this, then your best bet is to find a 'next server' 
option for the NT server.


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