scripts question

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Thu Jul 11 16:14:40 CEST 2002

>>>>> On Tue, 09 Jul 2002 15:16:38 -0400, pll at said:

    > Hi all,

    > Also, is there any documented reasoning behind the number of th
    > script/*/S?? scripts here? 
Only to order the execution inside each class directory.

    >  The default install seems to have
    > S01, S10, S20, and S40.  
Could also be any other number. 

    > Are the scripts exec'ed in numerical
    > order regardless of defined class, or are they exec'ed in
    > numerical order based on class.  IOW, is scripts/FOO/S20 run
    > immediately before scripts/FOO/S40, or is scripts/BAR/S30 run
    > between the 2?


if class FOO is defined before class BAR.

    > Also, are the names of these scripts restricted to S##, or can
    > they be a little more like normal /etc/rcX.d files in that the
    > name is 'S##descriptive_name' ?
The later one. They must match S##*

Gruss Thomas

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