Looking for full end user installation examples...

Ronan KERYELL Ronan.Keryell at enst-bretagne.fr
Fri Aug 30 11:49:02 CEST 2002

Ok, now I use FAI to install PCs for computing nodes and routing nodes to
build my network but now I want to address end user computers :
- full-fledge desktops with working sound, extremalistic window manager
menus, extreme configuration for emacs, and so on ;
- portable computers ;
- home computers with ADSL
- ...

Does someone have any sample somewhere to help me because I'm a little bit
weak on Linux...

Thank you,
    Ronan KERYELL              |\/
    Labo Informatique Télécom  |/)  Tel:    (+33|0)
    ENST Bretagne, BP832       K    Fax:    (+33|0)
    29285 PLOUZANE CEDEX       |\   E-mail: Ronan.Keryell at enst-bretagne.fr
    FRANCE                     | \  http://www-info.enst-bretagne.fr/~keryell

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