FAI client can't ssh logs to server

Paul Lussier pll at lanminds.com
Wed Aug 7 17:15:24 CEST 2002

In a message dated: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 16:49:47 +0200
Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn said:

>You might be missing the /var/run/sshd directory.
>Different solutions on how to solve that were earlier posted to the
>list. Search.

I did search through the archives, and this isn't the problem.  It's 
not that sshd isn't starting on the client, it's that the server is 
requiring a password in order for the client to ssh to the server.

It's hard to automate an install when there's manual intervention 
required :)

Btw, I do have the /var/run/sshd directory.


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