FAI & ssh

Filip Sneppe filip.sneppe at yucom.be
Tue Apr 9 11:00:29 CEST 2002


Would someone care to explain how to get FAI to work with ssh, (or rsh
for that matter) ? I've been trying for a hours, spread over a couple of
days, to get FAI to work with either rsh or ssh, but to no avail.

The problem is that after booting and mounting /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/,
I am unable to execute any remote commands, and hence the installation
is unable to continue.

With rsh, I went as far as sniffing the wire, only to see that the setup
disk tries to execute two commands, one as root and another as fai. Both
commands fail, and that's it.

Can someone point me to some documentation on how to setup rsh to allow
the remote logins. I guess my security settings are too strict.

As far as ssh is concerned, the installation stops at the same time, but
with a difference message:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
RSA fingerprint is c9: ... [snip] ... :45.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

It doesn't matter what I try next, I am simple unable to

The documentation is pretty good the rest of the time, but about the
remote commands I only found a little part that basically says : "oh,
by the way, you should get that to work properly". :-)

Well I guess I'm too stupid to figure out how, so I would really
appreciate it if someone could give a step by step/command by command
explanation on how to get this to work, where to put what keys, what
.rhosts files to modify, etc.

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work.


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