fai==nais ?

Jens Ruehmkorf ruehmkorf at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Oct 26 22:16:23 CEST 2001

Hi Cristian,

did the hints I gave you work out for you? Well anyhow.

> if not any idea what the differences are?

nais is a codefork from fai 1.0, which was originally developped by both.
They have the same goal: automatically installing debian, and both use a
class concept.

Since the codefork methods and concepts have changed, so take your pick ;)

> which is newer?

fai has the newest release. There is a mailing list linux-fai at uni-koeln.de
you can use to post your questions.

Kind regards,

ruehmkorf at informatik dot uni hyphen koeln dot de

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