make-fai-nfsroot stops

Geert Stappers Geert.Stappers at
Mon Oct 15 22:53:09 CEST 2001

At 20:30 +0200 10/15/01, Christoph Keller wrote:
>On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 08:17:38PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
>> At 18:17 +0200 10/15/01, Christoph Keller wrote:
>> >Hello,
>> >I tried to create the nfsroot with debootstrap today. (i want to use
>> >woody)
>> >The problem is that it skips and finish uncompleted.
>> >no kernel is installed so I can´t start the clients for installation.
>> >With verbose output the last I can see is:
>> >-
>> >Setting up console-tools (0.2.3-23.2) ...
>> >Looking for keymap to install:
>> >NONE
>> >-
>> >afterwards there come a lot of blank lines.
>> >also there are a lot of dependency problems (with libc6,...) but I don´t
>> >know if this is normal
>> >Hope anyone can understand my problem ...
>> not exactly
>> >and perhaps has a solution
>> >
>> makenfsroot behaved strange over here also.
>> At the third run I had given the system more time  ( coffee break )
>> and it seemed succesfull. I didn't touch afterwards.
>> To me it looked related to contacting the debian-packages mirror.
>> Please report your results to the list ( for the archive also )
>Looks like a problem with debootstrap.
>I have send a bug report (hope i'm not wrong)

In bug #115700 there _no_ hints to debootstrap.
It looks more like your "realplayer" problem.

Aren't you mixing up problems?

Anyhow, prepare your self to provide developers with more information.

Kind Regards, Geert Stappers
The Future is now, be part of it.

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