cpio and tar conflict (woody)

Roberto Sebastiano askrs at tiscalinet.it
Fri Nov 30 23:32:30 CET 2001

I cannot build the fai nfsroot with today woody packages.
When I run make-fai-nfsroot -v it says:

Errors were encountered while processing:
W: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/fai/nfsroot dpkg

Here is the problem:

harpo:/var/mirror/debian# dpkg -I pool/main/t/tar/tar_1.13.25-1_i386.deb
 Package: tar
 Version: 1.13.25-1
 Section: base
 Priority: required
 Architecture: i386
 Essential: yes
 Pre-Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4)
 Suggests: bzip2
 Conflicts: cpio (<= 2.4.2-38)
 Replaces: cpio
 Installed-Size: 1204
 Maintainer: Bdale Garbee <bdale at gag.com>

harpo:/var/mirror/debian# dpkg -I
 Package: cpio
 Version: 2.4.2-38
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-2)
 Conflicts: mt-st(<<0.6), cpio-mt
 Replaces: cpio-mt
 Installed-Size: 130
 Maintainer: Brian Mays <brian at debian.org>

How to fix this ?


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