compaq array controllers

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Nov 30 11:45:35 CET 2001

>>>>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 13:59:58 -0800, Marc Martinez <lastxit+fai at> said:

    > greetings, I'm in the process of working out my first basic fai
    > setup to quickly deploy new servers at the office, and I've run
    > into a rather major (for my needs) issue:

    > the Compaq SMART2 raid array controllers have their devices
    > created in a sub-directory of /dev, and use a naming convention
    > of "controller # + disk # + partition #" so that the final
    > devices look like: /dev/ida/c0d0p1 /dev/ida/c0d0p2 and so on..

Grep the mailling list archive for it.  There's an old mail about RAID
and setup_harddisk. A simple workaround is, so create a hook
partition.RAID which should be a simple shell script that partitions
your disk and creates a fstab file. The use "skiptask partition" to skip
the default task.


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