Installing a different kernel from server

Thadeu Penna tjpp at
Mon Dec 3 18:03:18 CET 2001

I am trying to install Woody with FAI. My DHCP and FAI servers are
different machines but I succeded in configuring dhcp server to deal with
it. My problem is make-fai-nfsroot. My fai-server is running 2.4.9 but I
am trying to install 2.2.19-DHCP1. During make-fai-nfs-root -v I get:

	depmod: Can't open /lib/modules/2.4.9/modules.dep for writing

even if fai.conf has

My client mounts fine the mirror directory and also the nfsroot. However I
got a lot of messages that cannot find net-pf-1. I have no log files on
/home/fai (only .ssh).


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                    Linux User #50500    `-
Prof.Adjunto - Instituto de Física   ----Debian-
Universidade Federal Fluminense      Alpha/K6/K7

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