Pierre Roussel roussel at
Thu Oct 26 08:52:58 CEST 2000

On 25 Oct, Juri Jensen wrote:
> You have to give us more clues than that. Did the machine install something
> you didn't expect, or...? If it did, then try to figure out which class it
> gets placed in. If it's the default fai setup, you should look in
> /usr/local/share/fai/classes. you will see a file called faiclient. It
> contains the software classes defined in /usr/share/fai/package_config. I've
> made a customized version of the file faiclient so it contains the software
> classes I want...

In fact, I've defined a class called "oree" (name of the wstation)
under /usr/share/fai/class. This file contains classes defined under  
/usr/share/fai/package_config (there are classes from the template and
classes I've written).
None of the classes defined for oree are used.
.Pierre ROUSSEL                                 .  roussel at         .
.						.			   .
.Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne      . 		 	   .
.Division Support Informatique et Développement .  Phone:   01 69 57 64 33 .
.Orly Sud 205                                   .  Fax: 01 69 57 63 52     .
.94542 ORLY AEROGARE CEDEX, FRANCE              .                          .

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