Installing X

Andrew Stribblehill a.d.stribblehill at
Tue Jul 4 15:59:37 CEST 2000

As you know, there is a variety of X servers available, for
different graphics cards. This post suggests how one can install
the right one.

There exists (in base_N.N.tgz) a program xviddetect which tells me
which is the correct server, so the solution I use is to put the
   xserver-`xviddetect -q`
into a package_config file.

The next problem is that you want this package to be activated, by
setting the first line of /etc/X11/Xserver to the name of the
absolute name of the binary. The attached script does this job.

Hope this might be useful for someone else.

Andrew Stribblehill,
Systems Programmer, IT Service, University of Durham, England.
-------------- next part --------------
#! /bin/sh


# Set serverbin=XF86_SVGA or somesuch.
eval $(grep '^serverbin' /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-$(xviddetect -q).postinst)

mv ${file} ${file}.debian.$$
sed -e "1s:^.*$:/usr/bin/X11/$serverbin:" \
 ${file}.debian.$$ > ${file}
rm ${file}.debian.$$

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