Bugs (or easter eggs?) in get-config-dir-svn

Michael Goetze mgoetze at mgoetze.net
Wed Apr 27 17:01:43 CEST 2011

Hi Michael,

On 04/24/2011 11:59 PM, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> 1. /var/lib/fai/config *DOES* contain an SVN repository from exactly that SVN
> URL. The problem is simply that the use of egrep -m1 won't work very well. I'd
> suggest using:
> svn info $FAI | grep '^URL:' | egrep -o '://.+'

sorry, I more or less copy-and-pasted that code from my corresponding
changes to get-config-dir-git and didn't really test it. Please feel
free to make any changes you find suitable.


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