FAI Stable release candaidate 3.4.3~rc1

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Tue Oct 5 03:37:20 CEST 2010


to match the deadline for the upcoming Ubuntu release (->Stephan)
I've prepared a release candidate version of the upcoming stable
release of FAI, version 3.4.3.

Binary packages of FAI 3.4.3~rc1 are available at:


My according git tree is available at:


as branch mika/3.4.3-rc1:


Michael, do you want me to apply r6091 as well?

Cudos to all developers, cherry-picking the patches was really nice
(well, besides some apt-move<->reprepro issues and the project
domain renaming ;)).

JFTR, the list of included svn revisions:

 6054 add Julien
 6060 setup-storage/Fstab.pm: Don't resolve LVM devices via readlink [...]
 6067 Fixed a whitespace/table alignment issue
 6068 raise importance of libproc-daemon-perl to Recommends (closes: #593089)
 6070 Fix preserve for RAID
 6072 remove netmask from IP address (closes: #597870)
 6073 fix url
 6074 new domain name for the project
 6075 fix link and date
 6076 new date
 6085 add more detailed list of tasks
 6086 remove unused code (closes: #596055)
 6088 Rework mdadm output parsing code [...]
 6097 fix homepage url

I plan to release the stable version around the upcoming weekend,
please ping me if you notice any problems or if any further patches
should be applied. Thanks!

http://michael-prokop.at/  || http://adminzen.org/
http://grml-solutions.com/ || http://grml.org/
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