dirinstall with fai-client package only

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Thu May 15 15:00:26 CEST 2008

Henning Sprang wrote:
 > [...]
> It is a little bit a special usage, because I realized that it's 
> overkill to install the full fai-server package, when I want to do only 
> a dirinstall, which is not far away from a softupdate apart from 
> unpacking a base image first.

I should have tested this myself before.

So, really, the error goes away when I install the fai-server package.

Interesting question would be: could or should fai be reworked a little 
so that dirinstall runs also wehn fai-client only is installed?

In either case, the naming of the package is not directly leading ti the 
conclusion that you can do dirinstall with it, I guess :)


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