dirinstall with fai-client package only

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Thu May 15 14:47:46 CEST 2008

When doing a dirinstall, called from xen-tools, on Debian Etch, with fai 
3.2.5, I get this:

fai.log:cp: cannot stat `/sbin/fai-start-stop-daemon': No such file or 

It is a little bit a special usage, because I realized that it's 
overkill to install the full fai-server package, when I want to do only 
a dirinstall, which is not far away from a softupdate apart from 
unpacking a base image first.

So I only created a base image manually, and configured 
make-fai-nfsroot.conf accordingly, and apart from this little message, 
the resulting system runs very well.


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