FAI developer workshop Linuxhotel/Essen 9th to 11th of november

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Sun Sep 16 20:48:25 CEST 2007

Finally, we'll get to make another FAI devel workshop.

I assembled all needed information at:

We also assembled some general guidelines for the FAI workshops which
can be seen here:

Please enter your name as participant, add topic proposals, and add your
name for some topics to show which tasks you want to work on and which
discussions you want to attend.

For questions, you are welcome to contact me in person or discuss things

Hope to see your there, to have a fun and productive workshop!


P.S.: If your company is happening to use FAI successfully, and they
have some money to spend, don't hesitate to contact Thomas or me to tell
us so!

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