New features, and bugfix for faimond

Holger Levsen debian at
Tue Aug 28 16:41:01 CEST 2007


On Tuesday 28 August 2007 11:52, Thomas Lange wrote:
>     > * Add a timeout, so that "bad clients" that are locking up the
>     >   faimond will be disconnected after a given timeout. I see this
>     >   as a bugfix since bad clients may lock up the faimond
>     >   indefinitely.
> Did you ever had this problem? I'm wondering if this could happen,
> since the install clients useses the nc command to send messages to
> the faimond. 

I plan to use fai (softupdates) and faimond over the internet, on potentially 
very bad connections (think satelite or worse), so network problems might 
occur. Not everyone uses FAI on a LAN :-)

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