semi-automatic rebuild of fai-cd on i386 and amd64

Thomas Lange lange at
Fri Feb 10 20:38:29 CET 2006

>>>>> On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 16:43:43 +0100, Holger Levsen <debian at> said:

    > is a feature as well. But I think Thomas would be happy about patches so that 
    > fai-cd builds bootable cds on powerpc, alpha and whatnot.
I think is is not an easy task and currently it's not worth it because
I do not know that many FAI users on other architectures. 
Since mkinitrd-cd is only available on i386 it would be very difficult
to create an fai-cd for other archs.

    > Speaking of this I dont understand why its required (in the amd64-howto) to 
    > copy the nfsroot.tgz to an i386 machine to execute fai-cd there. Thomas ?
ATM mkinitrd-cd can't be built on amd64. AFAIR it's also not easy to
fix that.

regards Thomas

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