Questions/Ojections about FAI 2.9 upcoming release

Thomas Lange lange at
Mon Dec 12 15:27:42 CET 2005

>>>>> On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 13:47:54 +0100, Henning Sprang <henning_sprang at> said:

    > Hello,
    > I have some serious concerns with the 2.9 FAI release just announced on
    > IRC.
Hi Hening,

some weeks ago I send an email, that I like to prepare FAI 2.9. See
Since then, I got no reply about what else is really important for
this release. I also got no mails about any major issues or bugs with
the current svn trunk version.

    > - this release has not been announced on any mailing list before, and I
    > don't think it's a good idea to make the IRC the premier information and
Since most people on IRC are active working on FAI, I think it's a
good idea to ask people (after the mail several weeks ago) what to
care about for FAI 2.9.

    > - There wasn't even publications of beta *.debs for this release, which
    > can increase the likelyhood of more testing
We had some discussion when I create some *.debs before, and then
someone says it does not make sense to create debs that may be out of
sync with the svn trunk. Therefore everybody who likes to test the new
version can build it from the svn sources.

    > - (maybe because of the first) it's completely unclear (at least to me)
    > what this release is about - is it the sarge-fixes release, or the
    > completely repackaged FAI?
This is the first upload to unstable (you know what "unstable" means?)
with the new splitting of packages. I closes a lot of bugs, and it
only a new step towards FAI 3. So do not treat this version like we
had to treat it with FAI 2.8 releases very shrot before the Debian
sarge release. We still have plenty of time to improve (and change)

    > - I doubt that this code has been tested enough. we had quality problems
    > before because of releases in a hurry. 
I can't tell I you how much I tested this version:-). I also think
that it's not that important to have a bug free version, since we are
not two weeks before the next Debian release. For me the most
important improvement is, that every change to the svn repository is
viewed by a much lager gorup of eyes. I got some mails right after a
svn commit, when I did some stupid changes. His help much in improving
the quality of FAI.

    > I there an important need to release right now, and no way to wait til
    > january?
Without a new version in unstable, I can't upload the sarge bugfig release.
So I like to upload FAI 2.9 and after that I can upload the sarge
bugfix release. I'm also not sure if I will get more test feedback
until january. Also, for planing my timetable it the best to release soon.

Henning, I know you have objections with this release, but keep in
mind that it's only an upload to unstable. AFAIK this will not make it
into testing, because of the FHS pathes bugs.

best regards Thomas

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